Sunday, October 11, 2009

Movie in Mumbai

I went to my first movie in Bombay; alas, it was an American one (Inglorious Basterds. And it was amazing!). Some key differences to watching a movie in New York:

1) Going through metal detectors and getting padded by security guards. Twice.
2) Having an intermission during such a short film. More importantly, the intermission was thrown in some random part of the movie, mid-scene. (This was the easiest movie to place an intermission if needed as it was divided in to chapters in classic Tarantino style).
3) Assigned seating (although theatres in LA do this). It's nice to know that you can find seats together for your group of 5 next each other.


  1. I'm anonymously commenting. I wonder who this is? Miss youuuuu!

  2. Lauren, this is why I hadn't turned on anonymous commenting before. This and spam comments.

  3. Fine. See if I comment again. (I probably will).
