Thursday, March 18, 2010

Bombay vs Bangkok -- The Showdown

Here comes the long overdue post on my x-mas trip to Bangkok! For funsies, we're going to do it in a VH1 celebrity show down format.

Round 1: The streets
Bangkok--sidewalks and no filth on the streets. Enough said, Bangkok FTW, easily.

Round 2: The food
While Bombay does have great Indian food, I have to give this one to Bangkok due to the edible, healthly, and delicious street food. Of course, there were also carts selling below items:

Round 3: The traffic

Never thought I'd see the day when I would miss Bombay traffic. On my way to airport in Bangkok, a traffic light was broken. We sat there for >20 minutes; god I miss entrepreneurial Bombay drivers for whom traffic rules are suggestions, who would have broken that red and gotten me to the airport in time. I eventually had to jump out of my cab, get onto some dude's sketchy motorbike with my luggage who dropped me off next to a highway from where I found another cab to the airport. Fun! So I'll begrudgingly give Bombay the win.

Round 4: The taxis (wouldn't be a Repat journey urban competition without this round)

Bombay taxis despite their extreme discomfort still win this round by the sheer fact that I am actually able to communicate with the drivers and they don't try to rip me off on a constant and ludicrous basis. One saving grace of Bangkok cabs is their fun colors. Below is a pic of the super-manly one I took from the airport.

Round 5: The STDs in the air

Bombay wins this one hands-down. Bang-kok was the underdog here to begin with, but they made a valiant effort with this PSA pic on how not to get HIV.

Bombay wins this time around (3 -2), but before you cry foul play in competition design, Bangkok is not a town to go down so easily (or is it?). We'll have to have a rematch--someone in Mumbai better engaged soon so we can have a bachelor party in Bangkok!

Also, click here for more pics on FB from the trip (alas, the most scandalous are not on there and you have to be a friend to see).

Btw, leave comments, if you do, I'll do similar updates on Bombay vs Singapore (already 2 weeks overdue) and Bombay vs Cairo etc.


  1. I think I might need an anatomy lesson... why is it the girl who is standing in image 3??

  2. Yeah, I demand a return trip to that sign for more extensive analysis. Not that you really need an excuse to go to Bangkok.

  3. Well, I was going to actually comment, but it looks like we were clearly all drawn to the same thing.

  4. Notice on pic 3, don't swallow; it's a guy going down on a girl.
