Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Expat Mailing List

A quintessential part of being an expat is being on the mailing list--presumably to meet like-minded people and celebrate expattie things (side note, creating a holiday called St. Expattie's day has definitely crossed my mind). The list usually ends up being a ton of messages with people looking for things or apartments or selling things/renting apartments. However, a few chains from time to time are gems (esp for their frequent lack of irony):

1) The "anything your maid can do I, mine can do better" chains
2) The "Bollywood movie looking for white extras" chains
3) Personal favorite, the "I forgot my giant dildo at the Imperial" chains (excerpt reproduced below, click on pic for higher resolution image)


  1. Amazing. I am living in the wrong country.

  2. For those of you that are curious, the dildo was recovered to the elation of its owners!
