Sunday, January 10, 2010

Repat journey complete...sort of

No, it's not the end of the blog (although I realize the posts have been rather few and far in-between these days). Technically, as of Friday, I am no longer a re-pat. I'm finally a US citizen! Guess I'm just another expat in India now. Anyway, the citizenship swearing-in ceremony was an interesting experience. Some highlights from the event:

1) In the 150 people being sworn in with me, we had 53 countries represented. 46 of the 150 people were Dominicans--guess that's what I get for doing it in New York.

2) Average color in the room was my shade of brown/slightly darker; in stark contrast to the videos of Ellis Island they showed us during the ceremony

3) Extraordinary emphasis on my being "willing to bear arms" for America. Apparently, this is the most important American value


  1. "Extraordinary emphasis on my being 'willing to bear arms' for America. Apparently, this is the most important American value"

    Are you sure you didn't join the Tea Party by mistake?

  2. I'd pay to see you bear arms. There are so many things about that that I'd pay to see. -L
