Monday, November 23, 2009

Clubbing in Bombay (yes, I'm alive!)

Sorry about the radio silence of the last few days, work has taken over my life more so than usual. This will continue to be so for a couple of more weeks I expect, but today I have some time breathe/blog.

Perhaps, some of you are wondering why I haven't written about going out in Mumbai yet (the above paragraph should give you some clue). Anyway, the clubbing I'm writing about today isn't the loud, crowded, flesh markets where some people go to drink. Bombay has a different "club scene" which includes places like the Cricket Club of India, Breach Candy Club, etc.

These clubs are essentially extremely exclusive Urban country clubs. The waitlist is over 5+ years and initiation fees are in the range of $100,000 to $200,000. Yes, you heard it right, those prices are in USD.

I went to one recently for dinner as a guest (a friend is a member). They have strict security generally requiring a membership card with photograph. The interesting news is that once you enter the places aren't really not that nice (certainly not when you consider the fees), but everything inside is hugely subsidized, food and drinks. So, yeah, when I figure out how to become a member and get all my friends in, I'm throwing a huge party at one of these clubs!

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