Given its prominent position in Mumbai culture, it's surprising that my first trip to Goa only recently. Since it's beach resort town, so I'll limit observations to non-beach activities.* Here goes the usual: good, bad and downright bizarre.
1) The Food
Amazing blend of North and South Indian food with a coastal twist, see here.
2) The transport
For a little vacation place, Goa is notoriously difficult to get around. Getting anywhere can take what feels like an eternity on the small, windy roads (albeit the view is not so bad).
3) The Russians
It's easy to mistake Goa Beach for Brighton Beach. More flights from Russia to Goa than any other location. Haven't done the math, but Goa maybe the closest warm beach from southern siberia. Notice the bookshelf at the reading room of our Taj:
*So, um, yeah, I didn't go to the beach in Goa. But there's always next time!
There's an Indian restaurant in Brookline, MA, that specializes in coastal dishes -- they're delicious! I must say, I'm quite jealous of all your traveling opportunities. :P