The most shocking aspect of the affair is what transpired when I shared the news with people. Many of my Mumbai veteran friends just shrugged it off. It happens in all our houses at some point or other most monsoons; just have you maid clean better.
Well, I'm not going to be another casualty to Mumbai's anything goes, 'Chalta hai' attitude. Here is one man's plan for victory post-ambush:
Step 1- Focus on defense and limiting further damage
* Strip all exposed fabric in the apartment and have it sent for burning
* Send all other fabric for dry cleaning
* Open all blinds, windows, doors
* Run all fans, lights, A/C's 24/7
Step 2- Prepare for Offensive Action
* Investigate best type of weaponry to attack enemy at hand: Damprid is aparently the winner
* Go to Amarsons/Premsons and buy the entire suite of products manufactured by Damprid (literally)
Step 3- Fight the good fight and make sacrifices
* Wipe down all surfaces and apply mold prevention chemicals (ok, got the maid to do this)
* Stop sleeping (well it's difficult to sleep with all lights on and windows open)
Note: As always, some/most/all parts of this post may have been altered/exaggerated for dramatic effect
Now see, if you'd lived in Sig Nu during your Dartmouth years, you'd be a grizzled veteran of the Mold Wars. Really, you can never relax and declare complete victory. It's sort of like a counter-insurgency - a 'clear and hold' mindset & constant vigilance are essential.