Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Sketchiness of cabs in Mumbai

Back to due popular demand, below is a chart illustrating the sketchiness of cabs Mumbai by time of night. Note, I often get out of work around 3:30am.

I only wish I'd had the presence of mind to take pictures of some of these, but some favorites include
* "Stripper cab" : Glow in the dark leopard print seats and headlights that change colors
* "Hole-y cab" : Holes in the floor, literally, so you can see the streets of Mumbai in a whole new way
* "Go-kart cab": Max speed of 10 mph and requires a push start ~50% of the time

I could write a post each day on just the cabs of this city.


  1. but there is no stripper in the "stripper cab"?

  2. Alas, no. And I DON'T think you want the cab driver stripping. Trust me.
