Monday, October 12, 2009

Day 1 in new office aka "How I'm going to get obese in my 2 years in India"

Today was the long awaited first day of work in India. The day was pleasant, more or less uneventful. Got to meet everyone in the office, make a few PPT pages, the usual. The biggest revelation of the day was personal: it's going to be extremely easy for me to become obese in this office. Below are the highest calorie burning activities of my old job (which is sad in its own right) that I will not be doing in my new job:

1) Walking to IT. The IT guy comes to my office.
2) Walking to lunch. Lunch is served in the room down the hall.
3) Picking up the phone to order dinner. The lovely receptionist orders our dinner selections.
4) Putting food on my plate from a bowl. Kitchen staff plates my dinner and brings it to my office.
5) Eating my food. Someone from the pantry stuff, wait...just kidding... or am I?

1 comment:

  1. there's no way you would ever become obese! - wc
